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Prof. Dr. Teguh Kurniawan, S.Sos, M.Sc, CSRS, CPC is Head of the Public Administration Department at Faculty of Administrative Science, University of Indonesia. His current academic rank is Guru Besar (Professor) in the field of Public Governance.
Teguh was born in Jakarta, exactly in an area called Cilincing in the outskirt of Northern Jakarta on 26 June 1976. Teguh resolves both educational kindergarten, primary school, secondary school, and high school in schools in the surrounding Cilincing, ranging from PGRI Kindergarten branch Cilincing (1980-1982), Cilincing State Primary School 09 (1982-1988), State Secondary School 143 Jakarta (1988-1991), and State High School 52 Jakarta (1991-1994).
After graduating from high school, Teguh continues his studies in Public Administration at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, the University of Indonesia in 1994 and completed his undergraduate education in January 2000. After completing his undergraduate education, Teguh continues a master’s degree program in geography at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the University of Indonesia in the period 2000-2001. After following the master of geography program during two semesters, in September 2001 Teguh decide to leave the program and choose to continue studying M.Sc in Urban Environmental Management at Wageningen University and Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), the Netherlands through STUNED scholarship. The M.Sc education is taken for 18 months and graduated in January 2003. Teguh holds a Doctorate in Administrative Sciences from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, the University of Indonesia in June 2017.
Back from the Netherlands, Teguh continues his career as an assistant lecturer at his alma mater (University of Indonesia) until appointed as a permanent lecturer in December 2003. At the University of Indonesia, in addition to teaching, Teguh also active in conducting various research activities, community service, and publish a variety of scientific work. Besides at the University of Indonesia, Teguh also had taught at several other universities such as the State Intelligence College and the Graduate Program University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta. Outside his duties as a lecturer and a researcher, Teguh also active as a consultant in a number of institutions including CIDA-GTZ SFGG for the consultancy activities in the National Development Planning Agency and as a research fellow at The Habibie Center.
Teguh currently married with Epakartika and have been blessed with two sons named Muhammad Al Fatih Kurniawan and Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi Kurniawan.
For more detailed information, please refer to Latest_CV_TeguhKurniawan.